## At which URL did you encounter the problem? ## What steps will reproduce the problem? Go to the groups tab and navigate to "henkilö" and then to "ammatti...
In the AcquisitionSource example here there seems to be some strangeness. ``` Romanized ``` Original data: First of all, the example seems to contain a mistake in that...
The National Library of Finland is creating a BIBFRAME-based data model for the Finnish national metadata repository. One of the biggest deviations from basic BIBFRAME for us is our extensive...
transitiveProperty configissa indikoi Propertyn käsittelyä transitiivisesti. Esimerkiksi alaluokan tapauksessa, jos deprekoitavalla on ollut alaluokkia, niin ne laitetaan osoittamaan deprekoidun yläluokkaan. Tämä ei kuitenkaan näytä toimineen JUHOn tapauksessa, joskin ehkäpä onneksi,...
Would it make sense to change how the different identifier types are handled in BIBFRAME? This is related to issue #120 . It seems cumbersome to include the various identifier...
The change to indirect relations between Works and Instances is a very welcome one (#116). Some questions about what this means with regards to existing BIBFRAME structures: 1. Will the...