Frosted Kitsune
Frosted Kitsune
@kantord can we keep the the current theme(the color specifically) and modify it a bit to give a more gamy, energetic look instead of completly changing the theme(as @kivutar suggets)...
> @frostedkitsune we don't really have a design team (or an organized team whatsoever). Would you be interested in starting to organize some sort of design team? Sure! I'm joining...
Yes UI kit is the thing we need and components, let me know when stage 2 starts
and having some well defined themes is what we need initially, we should think about more/custom defiend themes later
> How about somehow making it clear what the keyboard shortcuts are (1, 2, 3)? Sorry, I don't get your words! Does it have those shortcuts now?
@kantord Ok I'll remember and also look for it.
to implement these in order, we need a sitemap first do we have that?
>Home page -> Select a course -> Choice start learning or log in to existing account -> Complete first skill -> Choice register or continue without account -> Course introduction...
anyway, is account creation and authentication implemented yet?
> yes it is. I'm confused because a lot of people ask this and I don't understand why. Yeah, now I see but never noticed before, I feel the design...