Fred Rivollier
Fred Rivollier
Despite some good intentions I won’t be maintaining or updating this project to read PAN files but I could help anyone that want to take it over. Fred On Tue,...
There might be details of the PVSYST inverter model in the CASSYS documentation. On Sat, Apr 9, 2022 at 3:39 AM Anton Driesse ***@***.***> wrote: > Does anyone else...
good point. I will implement a lookup based on the available options in PVSYST and the values referenced in the docs.
thanks for reporting his. I will fix it. I typically use "pip install -e ." instead of setup install and for some reason pip doesn't run in this issue. Fred...
added separate parameter with computation of shunt resistance at 1000 w.m2 ('RShunt_1000') and replaced the R_sh_ref by this new computed value rather than RShunt from the PAN file. New...
I will add more clarity to what each shunt resistance parameter mean and will double-check which to use with pvlib.