I'd love to see this feature as well! Especially if you allow customizing the wordlist, capitalization, spacing between the words, etc. Check out [KeePass's WordSequencer Plugin]( for some configuration ideas...
FWIW, Keepass2Android manages to swap keyboards just fine when no entries are found. In fact after you've manually selected the entry you want, Keepass2Android offers to store the app name...
#1 seems related (same issue?)
Another example which isn't even a very complex PDF:
From same vim_use thread: need to add a zv to the end of normal-mode mappings if you want folds to open from a mapping.
In the quickfix window, by default, pressing `` on an item will open the file for that item in a buffer and then jump to the line for that item...
I don't think that's how zv is supposed to work. I'm not sure why those changes in your commit would work, if they do. What's the extra space between zv...
Don't care, I don't use it. I'm was just trying to do a good turn when I saw the vim_use post in case you weren't following it. Do what you...