same issue using Windows10 : **java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character d** Workarounds: * Convert C:\Users\\.android\adbkey from CRLF to LF * Launching maestro using git bash If we launch pwershell or cmd...
Hi @Marek00Malik I'using multiplatform library and now due to this change I'm not more able to send a request in json format using negotiation/json serialization plugin. Previously jsonRequest() method was...
Hi @Marek00Malik, thks for the answer. You can have a look in jsonRequest(), `application/json` header was set there before this change (multiplatform/infrastructure/ApiClient.kt.mustache). I'm using grade to build my project so...
Thks @Marek00Malik. I get the following error : Fail to prepare request body for sending. The body type is: class org.openapitools.client.models.ClickRequest, with Content-Type: **null**. If you expect serialized body, please...
hi @Marek00Malik I tried the example you mentioned but I contains no unit tests. I added following code in samples/client/petstore/kotlin-multiplatform/src/jvmTest/kotlin/util/PetStoreTest.kt and I get the same error as I have in...
I have the same error. Here is the error from logcat : > FATAL EXCEPTION: main > Process:, PID: 17831 > java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No direct method ()V in class Landroid/view/accessibility/AccessibilityNodeInfo;...