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:leaves: Concise Autolayout code

Results 19 Stevia issues
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Hi, how can we add multiplier to any constraint Example snapkit `make.centerY.equalTo(self).multipliedBy(0.8)` Example native: `selectionView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: safeArea.centerXAnchor, multiplier: 0.8).isActive = true` I don't found a way to add multiplier. It only...

Being able to set `cornerRadius(12)` along with the rest of my Stevia layout code would really be nice. It would need to set `layer.masksToBounds = false` automatically, similar to how...

Can anyone help me with this error: `could not find module 'Stevia' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64-apple-ios-simulator` This is coming when I'm trying SwiftUI previews. Code is compiling but somehow...

Please! There's not too much effort to maintain a podspec file. But using two or more package managers is really painful (in terms of resolving possible package dependencies version conflicts)

I love the simplicity of layout but I keep finding areas where I seem to need to use other commands external to that block. for example, is there a simple...

Unable to run the app with Stevia 5.1.1 in Xcode 13.1

|-a - 10 - b-| Above work fine but forces the entire width How to achieve this? I was working with `a.Left == a.Right ` This way is like SnapKit...

I can't manage to set up a constraint like ```swift label.Trailing

'@_functionBuilder' has been renamed to '@resultBuilder'

navigationBarBgV = UIView() navigationBarBgV.LastBaseline == view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.Top cause a crash > *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'Unable to activate constraint with anchors (null) and (null) because...