Stevia icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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:leaves: Concise Autolayout code

Results 19 Stevia issues
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After updating my XCode to 12.0.1 from 11.4.1, I removed the stevia framework from Carthage and installed it through SPM with the latest version. I get the above error with...

It's not even a mistake. It is necessary to draw the attention of developers to this nuance. When you add something to UICollectionViewCell and UITableViewCell you cannot do: **self.subviews (view)**...

Would it be possible to add support for additional operators other than `==` to layout anchors (`SteviaLayoutXAxisAnchor`, `SteviaLayoutYAxisAnchor`), such as `=`? We work around this now by using multiple constraints...

I would expect this to return the appropriate constraints. ``` myView.Height == theirView.Height myView.Width == theirView.Width let h = myView.heightConstraint // nil let w = myView.widthConstraint // nil ```

Hi there)) ``` view.heightConstraint?.constant == 0 ``` is not usable, because it is nil if i set it in storyboard of xib file.

hi i have a view []( i created a viewcontroller and i'm adding it as view in scrollview with `trendingPhotoViewController!.view.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: scrollViewForPhotos.heightAnchor).isActive = true` it's fine as in above image but...

Hello, As we approach the upcoming spring and the anticipated implementation of the [Privacy Manifest]( by Apple, it's crucial to ensure that your SDK fully complies with Apple's requirements. Does...

view.width(Device.width * 241 / 375) view.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: Device.width * 241 / 375).isActive = true with stevia the priority is 751, so the width is ambigous.