Results 6 issues of Jacob König-Otto

I saw that there are some hard coded colors within the theme by running: `cat src/*.xml | grep value=\"[a-zA-Z0-9]` and `cat src/includes/*.xml | grep value=\"[a-zA-Z0-9]` Further I find out by...

I tried today to understand what all the differences of this template are compared to a `cargo new`. When I read that in principle is not needed, only in...

Editors like vscode or pycharm or tools like jupyter notebooks let you send code blocks devided by a delimiter, eg. in python '#%%' or '# %%' to the repl. The...

Currently many commands only work if the cursor is on the repl buffer or on a code buffer with fitting filetype. This is inconvenient, because one can't call IronHide, if...

If one opens a REPL and then Restarts a REPL, one gets errors about wrong buffer ids. The reason is that core.repl_restart deletes the old buffer. But the default of...

If one opens a REPL and then Restarts a REPL, one gets errors about wrong buffer ids. The reason is that core.repl_restart deletes the old buffer. But the default of...