I am trying to use a BioPython derived script to renumber antibodies in a pdb and I still get the same error. To date is there any way to renumber...
I have to this day the same problem. I have a machine with ubuntu 22.04 and RTX 3080Ti. I installed the drivers and cuda via .run installer obtained from nvidia...
from my localcolabfold: `./localcolabfold/colabfold-conda/bin/python3.10 -m pip list | grep nvidia-cudnn` `nvidia-cudnn-cu12` and ` ./localcolabfold/colabfold-conda/bin/python3.10 -m pip list | grep jax` `jax 0.4.23` `jaxlib 0.4.23+cuda12.cudnn89` cuda 12 is installed on...
> @frenko In my system, I installed cuda-12.3, but `nvidia-cudnn-cu11` and `jaxlib 0.4.23+cuda11.cudnn86` work properly. But did it not work with jax[cuda11_pip] in your case? I solved by giving...
As mentioned yesterday I update my situation. After updating the jax packages with pip: `./localcolabfold/colabfold-conda/bin/python3.10 -m pip install -U jax[cuda12]` if I run the following command ``` ./localcolabfold/colabfold-conda/bin/python3.10 -m pip...