Peng Li
Peng Li
A very simple scala-swing demo with metarx: If you run it, and input something in the input field, but there is nothing printed! Even the result of `println("input value...
Usually, the file names will be very long if we are using 3rd-party libraries. E.g. ``` jquery-1.7.1.min.js angular-1.0.0rc10.min.js angular-cookies-1.0.0rc10.min.js angular-resource-1.0.0rc10.min.js ``` So the `greenscript.conf` will be: ``` js.default=jquery-1.7.1.min js.angular-1.0.0rc10.min=jquery-1.7.1.min js.angular-cookies-1.0.0rc10.min=angular-1.0.0rc10.min...
在JavaScript中,使用`==`或`!=`进行比较时,容易产生意料之外的转型而导致潜在的bug,建议尽量使用`===`和`!==`。(可参考如"JavaScript语言精粹”这样的书) 由于受影响的地方比较多,Review时请一定仔细一些 看到只有通过编辑器的运行的方式,不知道怎么用命令行来跑
花了两个小时才把hello world那个命令搞定,想起来play1预先把所有的依赖打包下载的做法,对于国内用户友好太多了。。。 参看: 建议在文档中增加一些如何使用国内源的信息
I've run the `everrest-samples/book-service` example: ``` mvn clean install mvn package mvn jetty:run ``` The api is working well: http://localhost:8080/book-service/books/101. But if I visit it with "Advanced REST client" for...
**macOS version:** Catalina (10.15) **Kap version:** 3.5.5 ``` Something went wrong while loading “kap-streamable” Error: schema is invalid:['password'].type should be equal to one of the allowed values,['password'].type should...
``` cd vite-plugin-stylex/apps/vite-demo pnpm i pnpm run dev ``` Throws error: ``` > [email protected] dev /Users/freewind/workspace/vite-plugin-stylex/apps/vite-demo > vite ✘ [ERROR] Failed to resolve entry for package "vite-plugin-stylex". The package may...
**Problem Description** Some platforms, e.g., it requires us to create a 'endpoint' as a model name, and which is random strings. When we add models of it, I can't...