Yes, we can use that. But I did not do it yet. The output format from the Raytrix calibration is made for their API and their workflow, which is in...
I tried to make a notebook out of my thoughts on the problem and uploaded [here](https://github.com/PlenopticToolbox/PlenopticToolbox2.0/blob/master/python/samples/disparity_and_rendering_on_R5.ipynb), hope this helps. Issue is not solved, but image does not have huge artifacts,...
it is a problem in the rounding, that I thought I already solved. I had two different ideas, and was not sure which one to follow. Maybe I got the...
I pushed a little change to fix the rounding. The notebook should work fine, since now local and remote version are synchronized. However, there are other parts of the code...
Don't worry about complaining, it is good for me. You are totally right, it is actually a big project more than a library. I agree with you on the changes,...
Ok, checking [the code](https://github.com/freerafiki/PlenopticToolbox2.0/blob/master/python/rendering/render.py#L1461) I see what you mean. This happens because the window size is greater that the coordinates of the sampling point. **Conceptual explanation:** The rendering process works...
Hi @sky-fly97 - interesting question. I see your problem. The algorithm relies on two ways to estimate the depth, correspondences and defocus cues. Correspondences will be super hard to find...
Ah, now I see. I didn't actually understood this was a lens and the white/black parts are just noise. Yes, in this case I believe it will be very hard...
Hi @cbentejac, thanks a lot for your quick answer. I looked through the issues but could not find the correct one you listed. This looks exactly the solution we needed....
Ok, so I got some feedback! - updating to the new version 2023.3.0 works fine! Thanks for the great job! - adding the `PrepareDenseScene` node enabled `Texturing` as well (which...