man from earth

Results 31 comments of man from earth

dear I have the same problem because I want migrate a raphael app to polymerJS and polymer hiddes the elements initial. Did you find a solution for the BBox problem?...

Hi thanks for the example coding. I already found them but I'm unable to find the point where the request is fired. I need a "request" hook. In the end...

everything in draw2d is managed by `EditPolicies` . - SelectionFeedback via rectangles, lines,... - DragDrop Behaviour - Copy&Paste - Interaction with Connections, - Zoom or Panning and of course the...

did you check my sample? There is.

the best is to implement your own SelectionHandler instead of removing the points after user-edit. It is possible to manage almost everything via Policies. I Update the example with your...

if your read/write JSON from your drawd2d diagram, it is important that all elements has the attribute NAME. This attribute is use late to create JS object instances. If...

painting 15 nodes with draw2d aren't slow. maybe you paint everything again and again if you add one element? the example with more than 15 elements is quite fast.

The reason for that seems to be the text dimension calculation. Font handling is very slow.... the BBox calculation is far from perfect and I think this the the main...

another hot spot

I understand the first part of the ticket (width instead of Height)...but the second part is not clear to me. Can you please explain it in more detail?