
Results 18 comments of blackie

Looks like it was caused by unsupported format for dayjs's plugin customParseFormat. All available formats can be found in

@617450941 图片看不到??? 能否截取部分代码?

use single quote instead ``` cellFilter: "date:'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'" ```

@layae AirPlay Receiver has used that address in macOS Monterey, Close that may help

@nephelo-xyz Turn of AirPlay Receiver may help #20

@fritx 按照官方的api说明修改后,可以启动了。但是,画面卡在登录成功的界面,并没有成功跳转微信客户端的界面。会不会连preload都变了? [](url)

@fritx 还是不行,就是跳转不了!问题还是在preload.js那里。以下是修改的地方! index.js ``` var app = require('electron').app var BrowserWindow = require('electron').BrowserWindow var ipc = require('electron').ipcRenderer webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: false, preload: __dirname + '/preload.js' } win.loadURL('' + ``` preload.js...

诡异的是:我翻了一下官方的[文档](,发现有`process.type`这一属性。我把这个属性设置成`browser`就可以跳转了,但是终端还是没有提示! 我在init函数的开头添加alert测试了一下,是有反映的!是不是下面挂掉了? ``` window._console = window.console function debug(/*args*/){ var args = JSON.stringify(_.toArray(arguments)) _console.log(args) } ```

@fritx 还是不跳转>_