Results 11 comments of wzx

webview有相关回调,这个完全可以根据需求定制。 目前这个项目最主要的还是提供一个思路,如果应用到复杂的商业项目还有很多需要完善的

这个看着是gradle编译报错,应该是gradle版本兼容问题,运行gradle编译命令,发下详细日志看看 例如:mac 执行 `./gradlew aDebug --info`


你的意思应该是竖向的RecycleView包含着横向的RecyclerView吧,然后对横向的Recyclerview的item进行拖动吧? 目前并没有支持,原理是相通的,根据源码稍微做些调整就好了。 希望实现后能提个pr

1.空指针错误日志可以贴出来吗,我看下 2.不流畅是有些,目前还没有考虑好的解决方案,有没有什么好的建议可以提一下,或者直接PR也欢迎

`databinding`只是简化了设置视图内容时的代码,和上拉加载功能不冲突啊 如果你不用`databinding`功能是正常的是吗? 可否贴出关键代码?

I have the same problem, all on android 13 devices, is there a solution?

I have found that, in fact, when the system doFrame callback, the frameTimeNanos parameter will appear that the time of the next frame is smaller than the time of the...

> Possible related fix #37927 We tried it. It worked, It's probably an android bug,Refer to this:

> @free46000 When you say it worked, does it mean you stopped getting the crash entirely?? Also since it tweaks the internal implementation of animations, were there cases where you...