Frederico Wuerges Becker
Frederico Wuerges Becker
Do we have any news on this topic? This would be extremely helpful 😢
Same problem here. Ruby version: ``` ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu] ```
Thank you @jgonyea. I download and installed the Vagrant 1.8.5 and now vagrant-hostmanager installation worked! The problem was occurring in version 1.8.1, which was standard in Ubuntu 04.16.
I need the same functionality. I need to create a mask with a phone digit optional towards the end: (99) 9999-9999?9 Is there any way to do it?
Isso mesmo, funcionou perfeitamente. Obrigado!
I have the same need, I need to define the choices dynamically. You say you has already in `1.1.0`, but the documentation does not detail how to use anything. How...
I'm sorry, I did wrong. But anyway it would be interesting if there were registered in the documentation: choices: function() { return [{name: 'x', value: true}] }
I would like to help, but unfortunately I have no way. That was the alternative I found, I'm using `border: 'stacked'`
Same on v6.3.11. Wanted to test the app but everything is stuck after the app opens. None of the menus at the top works, the settings button, etc.