Fredrik Averpil

Results 132 comments of Fredrik Averpil

@nirisarri hey, I too have installed it in the new Edge and can use it. But no matter which CSS theme I've chosen, I get white text on white background....

Hm, I have dark theme enabled and I actually got at reasonable result when defining the language. But no colorization/theming. But if I omit the language definition I get white...

This was on pip 18.1, but I just updated to 19.0.2 and I get the same error there.

What is the deal with the original issue of not returning `{"Hello": "Sara"}`? Was the original issue edited and now doesn't make sense in this regard? EDIT: oh, okay. I...

It seems that when I enable extensions in WSL2, they get disabled locally automatically. This means any extension which is enabled in WSL2 won't sync over.

Any news on this? It seems very inefficient to select for each update when you have a large number of entities to update. I'm investigating whether to adopt SQLModel for...

+1 for https support. I use KudosPlease on my Github-hosted jekyll site. Right now the button works with http, but not with https: Works: Does not work: I...

Hey @brettlangdon 😊👋 > it looks like one of the C APIs the profiler is using changed. Ah! > We probably won't publish wheels for 3.11 until the official release...

Absolutely, we can use this issue as you proposed 👍 Feel free to rename the PR title if you wish!

Could this be related?