Frederico Morais
Frederico Morais
Hi, First of all thank you for your time! I am using the following code and schematics, but just to let you know I am using a breadboard and the...
I'm sorry but I don't know much about this. What's a normal sketch?
I just tried it with the schematics I sent before and this code: /* AnalogReadSerial Reads an analog input on pin 0, prints the result to the Serial Monitor. Graphical...
I'll try that to make the pot linear. About the multiplexer I think I'll just go and buy the 74hc4067. It is supposed to work with the schematics and code...
Hey, I did that and the values on Serial Monitor are around 300 but without any pot connected. What should I be getting? Is this ok?
It was input 14. Actually was very lucky to remember to check that ahaha. It is working perfectly now, thank you so much. Even tried a button one and it...
No the pins are working ok. DigitalLatch didn't work but it was an error from the program I was using, not the library nor Arduino. Everything working now. Again, thanks...
+1 for LDAP support. This would be really helpful!
Hey everyone! I'm not super familiar with the tags on Github. Will this be available in the normal release branch or is it still just available in :preview-184?