This is the code in my sketch file. ISOtp.begin(); ISOtp.setWriteBus(&Can); ISOtp.onReceive(isoCallback); If I dont include the isotp.h header in any of the other sketch files it works fine. Its only...
I haven't tried it but I assume it would. If I only include the isotp.h header file my sketch file and no other files it works great. This is what...
Did some more playing around and it appears to me to be a linking order issue. If its included in one of the files linked prior to the .ino file...
@matafonoff are you planning on merging this pull request or did you want me to modify it in some way?
Its sort of hard to tell without seeing the circuit but my guess is you have the collector and emitter reversed on your transistors. At least it looks that way...
The voltage at the base of T2 is only going to be somewhere between 0 and 0.7V and measuring it might not tell you much. Have you connected the scope...
From what I understand this library works on the pin change interrupt which fires an interrupt when any pin on a port changes. Its different to the interrupt that happens...