
Results 12 comments of fredericgboutin-yapla

"workaround", use Symfony Lock instead -

aka - the doc should probably give an example like `PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR=:/var/task/my_codebase/_my_custom_path` (with the `:` at the beginning) - see UPDATE: somehow it doesn't work and you have to explicitly...

The example is still outdated. Basically, one need to pull the rule sets from composer with `composer require --dev rector/rector-phpoffice` From that point, you can effectively add something like `$rectorConfig->import(\Rector\PHPOffice\Set\PHPOfficeSetList::PHPEXCEL_TO_PHPSPREADSHEET);`...

I'm here because this morning I got a `RateLimitException` and I expected to mitigate it using my custom Guzzle client I have which has a [middleware with retry capabilities]( only...

You're right @ZacharyDuBois There is a `setMaxNetworkRetries()` and by default the value is `0` so it doesn't retry. When it does, it observes exponential backoff, which is great. So yeah,...

And for those using it gets trickier.

Yeah, it is so old that we cannot even use [NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_ACCOUNTING]( to format money amounts correctly. So on top of security issues, there is this.

> Ah, this is probably Amazon Linux being outdated again :/ > > This is why we compile some dependencies, for example: So that we get more up to...

Reading between the lines there I come to understand 1 or 2 things, In practice, variadic basically comes as a replacement to the old way of dealing with variable...

FYI - you could take that opportunity to ditch a direct phpunit dependency upgrade and use instead which automatically requires the most up to date version available and compatible.