Artem Henvald

Results 34 comments of Artem Henvald

@FZambia Hi. Thanks. I will continue do it myself. I have a lot of plans for refactoring. Will take some time

Hi. Bundle is only wrapper over the Centrifugo server. So it is something wrong with Centrifugo. Unfortunately have no idea. Do you get this error always? Or only sometimes? Have...

@mzurawek I tried to reproduce, but couldn't. Please check the comment for this column in DB. Should be something like this '(DC2Type:BasketballPositionType)'

@SCIF In the first code snippet you wrote `listing_ownershiptype_enum` but in next snippets `listing_stage_enum`. Did I miss something? This SQL `$this->addSql("CREATE TYPE listing_stage_enum AS ENUM ('online', 'staging', 'relisting', 'completed');");` you...

Hi. Sorry for the late answer. Looks like it is a bug in Doctrine. My console command gets platform from the config ```php $connection = $this->em->getConnection(); $platform = $connection->getDatabasePlatform(); if...

To drop comments use this command `doctrine:enum:drop-comment CustomType`

@fkrauthan 1) What version of MySQL do you use? 2) Can you show your migration where you tables with enums are created the first time. You should have such migration....

After doctrine generated this migration file for your, have you edited it manually?

The reason why you always get ENUMs on migration diff is that in your first migration missed the comment for ENUM column(s). It should look like this ```sql status ENUM...