Francisco Torres
Francisco Torres
Hi, @remcotolsma thanks for collecting all the information and push it to be part of PHPCS. Also thanks to @GaryJones , I've already changed the message to make it more...
@GaryJones Thanks for the tip, done!
Hi @felixarntz I’m happy to see you over here 😁 I started with this approach while wasn’t conscious about using PHPCS for this specific checks, now I know that using...
Hi @BrianHenryIE , that would be a check to detect which names that can collide is the plugin using. If it finds a namespace, will just show the namespace, if...
@felixarntz I haven't had the chance to go through PHPCS and see the possibilities we can have there, I think you know more about it and maybe you can help...
I updated escaping and safe functions from there.
It is now mentioned here:
I'd be up to have both as those might be useful for different checks. The `files_preg_match` done on #399 looks great and would be amazing to have maybe a `files_preg_match_all`...
Hi @ernilambar thanks for the change. It looks good, if you finish the tests I can continue with the review.
Thanks for this change, I think that for this check it would be really useful to also give users the line + column where that happens (as well as showing...