Frank Xu

Results 21 issues of Frank Xu

Really nice job done. Thank you! IPv6 DNS queries are now also affected, so I hope there could be a support for IPv6 DNS.


Hi, thanks for the awesome code and paper and datasets! Since there has been a trend of increasing PyTorch usage in NLP areas, and OpenNMT also has a pytorch version,...

In line 134 and 136, it should be `and annoying_number_word(sent, i)` rather than `and not annoying_number_word(sent, i)`, since the function returns True if it's not saying three-point related stuff. will throw `expr: syntax error` when `make`.

In `tools/Makefile` ``` # Set if install binaries on CPU mode e.g. make CPU_ONLY=1 # If you don't have any GPUs, this value will be set automatically ifeq ($(shell which...

Currently, glove embedding is not automatically downloaded to `data/contrib/glove.6B.100d.txt`, resulting in error while running the provided script for WikiSQL .

## 🚀 Feature Request Implement `finish_reason` as in the OpenAI API specification. Currently it's default to `"length"`. ### Motivation It is useful for saving generation times and generate only until...


## 🐛 Bug The `stop` parameter provided to the API is not working as expected when `stop = "\n\n"` ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior (**always include the...


There are some obvious bugs in Cosine_FaissHNSW so I fixed it