> itchat-uos 1.5.0.dev0 内置的就是这个版本。 绑定银行卡实名认证下吧 我是新注册的账户,实名制了,前几天一直能登录,今天突然就不行,显示的也是这个错误,用railway一键部署的,请问怎么办呢?
> 尝试下手机微信能正常上吗,银行卡能点开吗 登录正常,银行卡正常,但是我手动发了个信息,发送失败了,提示“发送信息过于频繁,可稍后再试”,
I checked the mark on "send picture" and restarted Webui, but I can't find the place where I can upload the file/image, can you tell me where that is? >...
> Hi, frank. I'm sorry but I can't judge your problem just through a single error. Would you please show me the specific codes that went wrong or show me...