Daniele Antonioli

Results 6 issues of Daniele Antonioli

Hey, This patch should write the packet rssi value in the pcap when using the `-x ll_phdr` flag rather than -40

Hi, First of all, thanks for the great project and app! I think that you can improve a bit the app layout of the Firmware installation view. This is just...

Hi, Is there a way to set the background color of a grammarous errors? E.g., set grammarous background to dark orange and keep the red background for spellang?

@remmihsorp please go ahead from here and then when we are ready we push to master TODO: * [x] add cli tests to travis and update its conf * [x]...


Hi guys, Is there a English version of this repository somewhere ? Thanks

I want to subclass `TCLink` fixing some performance parameters like: `bw`and `delay`. I read about [API levels](https://github.com/mininet/mininet/wiki/Introduction-to-Mininet#apilevels) and [setting link parameters](https://github.com/mininet/mininet/wiki/Introduction-to-Mininet#setting-performance-parameters) but I don't understand how to pass directly the...