Franco Romano Losada
Franco Romano Losada
Hi there, On mobile when you are scrolling on the page and you scroll down the page over the carousel it changes the slide and It would be great to...
Hi, I confirm that this is also happening to me as stated on: ### What version of Directus were you using before updating? 9.0 ### What version of Directus...
Hi there, any news on that PR?
@yassinedoghri wow, amazing mate. This would be so useful, thanks.
Hi @freddy38510, how does the `process.env.STATIC` help with that? I mean, if you exclude some routes (to work with SSG), is it going to use the SSR on the rest...
Ahh okay, get it! I would like to use both modes because some pages need fresh data + SEO + cookies + we don't want the spinner UX. For the...
Thank you Freddy. Wow, that would help with improving the time to Interactive, right? Cheers