
Results 10 comments of francium

The domain registration appears to have expired and someone else created a site that is (poorly) pretending to be the original author's site. Aside from the numerous nonsense, unrelated and...

Most likely can be fixed by putting `call one#highlight` after the following two commands, ``` filetype plugin indent on syntax on ``` see

@nmccready I made a bit of progress on this since posting this issue. It appears that the issue is with the DNS either on the client device connecting to the...

So this right, ```scheme (display "Hello, World!\n") ``` Then `ee` gives, ``` ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; eval (current-form): (display "Hello, World!\n") ; Empty result ```

I tried out `vim-slime` with this config, ``` Plug '' let g:slime_target = "tmux" let g:slime_paste_file = tempname() ``` That was working without any issues, so may just be an...

There are a few workarounds, for Linux users, mentioned in this thread,

@scarlion1 the xournalpp dark theme doesn't change the pdf's white background. That's the single biggest issue (imo). My experience with the workaround (for the last two days) has been great....

There's a next page button here, you have to hover you move over the bottom corner area to see it, ![image]( Is this the button you're referring to? I haven't...

> See also (Ephemeral mode) I first thought such a mode would be kind of going against the current overall UX of the app -- where it stores data...

> I don't think there's any technical reason why it can't index files over the network My, and likely others, network storage is in the hundreds-of-GBs/multiple-TBs, so I'd definitely want...