Francisco Lourenço

Results 152 comments of Francisco Lourenço

> I'd never heard of nodenv, but avn alone isn't enough for it to be a "common" version file. [fnm]( also supports `.node-version`

@strct I just installed Debian 10.9.0 and notify-send on a VM, but can't even get a notification with `notify-send test`. How did you configure notify send?

The error is in which throws `TypeError: global.display.focus_window.get_it is not a function` I don't have time to debug this at the moment since I don't use Debian, but a...

Does this improve detection for custom kernels?

@noahgaertner can you check if this is fixed in v1.14.10?

@Azenet can you share an example of what this looks like in practice? Thanks!

@charliemaiors you have worked on notify-send support, do you know what is the compatibility of this parameter in other distributions and versions? Thanks!