Fran Barton

Results 24 comments of Fran Barton

Just come across this issue - getting "`Error: geom_label_repel requires the following missing aesthetics: x and y`" message when using `geom_label_repel` with a `geom_sf` plot. I was really confused because...

I think it's worth noting that David Gohel in [his {flextable} package documentation]( suggests using a `tab.cap` chunk option as one way to generate table captions. I thought "oh, neat,...

Fully agree - thank you. This is better behaviour than returning an error. Did you already have some prior work on this saved somewhere, Bill?

That's fantastic, Bill, thanks. I wanted to do this but i don't think i ever would have got round to it!

@billdenney I'm sorry, I'm in the process of moving between employers at the moment and I haven't got easy access to R and my usual set-up for a while. I...

I'm getting this too. In my case the cause of the issue was a single invalid character (some Unicode issue I think) in the source data provided by an API,...

This is what the district should look like (from Nominatim search): i.e. the source data should be valid here!?

Hmm, when I use `legend.title.size = 1.2, legend.text.size = 0.8` I get a much neater result when I use tmap_save to export to a PNG: ![image]( but it's not quite...

I'll try to provide a reprex for this soon. I don't understand the connection between the layout `scale` option and the size of the text in the legend - it...

I would love this. I have started a new R project to try to hack out a solution but would be delighted if somebody more skilled beat me to it!