Francesco Masala

Results 8 comments of Francesco Masala

Segnalo di farsi un backup della .venv prima di fare un git pull per evitare spiacevoli incovenienti

L'ideale sarebbe fornire un file requirements.txt all'interno della root del progetto per garantire cross-compatilità tra le varie piattaforme

> @francescomasala any thoughts? I am checking the infra, I will send an update as soon as I have news

It should all be fixed, @sidroff check it out if you can

> @francescomasala > It should all be fixed, @Sidroff check it out if you can > > nope, disabled ipv6 and connecting with ipv4 nothing new same for icmp,...

I tried connecting/testing the various web servers from different Tier 1 ISPs but did not encounter any problems, and I can see your connections from netstat being made successfully

Try to connect from a different network

So, the problem seems like is from Akamai side, I'll try to fix and maybe add a couple of new nodes inside our infrastructure, I'll keep you updated!