Hi ontherunvaro, I'm not an android dev but I'm facing the same issue (freeze black screen with notification led on). If I can be of any help, please let me...
well I tried but I don't have any "pstore" folder in /sys/fs/ I also tried to search for a "console-ramoops" file in / but nothing came up (except "console-ramoops-koichirose-20171227.txt" from...
Ahhh thats why... Sorry for my noob question but I'm current on Dirty_Unicorn_z2_plus_7.1.1_20170206-2233.v11.0-UNOFFICIAL What rom do I need to flash ? Or maybe I can stay with this rom and...
ok my mistake again though this issue is general on any rom i've tried. I'm downloading your rom and keep you posted. Thanks
Hi Alexandros I got the exact same error with the same sensor. Hope we'll find a solution soon ;)
unfortunatly, it's probably an unsupported device.