Vyacheslav Frolov
Vyacheslav Frolov
Here is a diff between [openapi.1.4.1.json](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/files/15193119/openapi.1.4.1.json) and [openapi.3.4.1.json](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/files/15193120/openapi.3.4.1.json) `diff -u openapi.1.4.1.json openapi.3.4.1.json|colordiff|grep -i idfa` ```diff - "idfaDeclaration", - "usesIdfa", - "idfaDeclaration", - "description": "the fields to include for returned resources...
the PR should be good to go. I have performed several submissions with the IDFA deleted, and it seems OK so far
> > > @EthanSK you can just remove `add_id_info_uses_idfa` from your call to `deliver` / `submit_to_app_store` in your Fastfile (or from your `Deliverfile`) in your project and you'll be able...
Also PR for docs update https://github.com/fastlane/docs/pull/1246
Feedback addressed @AliSoftware Please could you give it a second review. should be OK now. Thank you
> Question: what happens if you do not update your Deliverfile? Does fastlane fail because the setting doesn't exist? > > Has this been tested? In this PR i've tested...
Seems it was [deprecated in v1.5](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/app_store_connect_api_release_notes/app_store_connect_api_1_5_release_notes) by Apple and finally removed.
Btw. It helps just to remove the `add_id_info_uses_idfa` setting from `Deliverfile` / `deliver` call
I've created a PR https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/pull/22003 here to delete the deprecated IDFA-related code. It's in progress. Probably I've deleted too much / not enough. Maybe some parts need to be just...
Hi @IlyaMakarevich , Thanks for finding! You can build one from https://github.com/badoo/FBSimulatorControl/tree/badoo repo (that's a fork that has pretty old version, but supports newer iOS runtime versions (i will still...