Florian Piesche

Results 21 comments of Florian Piesche

Having just tried Chiaki after sideloading it to an Amazon Fire TV Stick I was pleasantly surprised to find it appears in the Leanback-style launcher and the UI isn't mangled,...

Actually, ignore the above - after an upgrade to a proper Android TV box the UI works fine, but Chiaki doesn't appear in the actual Android TV launcher. I happen...

Are you using a version of moonlight-nx that matches your installed Atmosphère version? Homebrew will crash if the versions mismatch.

devkitpro is a bit of a troublemaker because they really don't want people using dkp-pacman from scripts or any kind of automation - I dimly remember having to implement some...

An alternate option might be to just run Mailpile from a Docker container, which requires a lot less messing around with your system installation. I've got a [GitHub repo](https://github.com/fpiesche/docker-mailpile) that...

There might be a `libgnome-keyring0` (Debian Stretch here). Installing this fixed the problem for me.

Hi @freemo, I've stumbled into this while trying to figure out how to get the nginx-proxy setup to work with a Swarm and figured I'll try out your rewrite. Could...

I am in the process of creating metadata for D2X-Rebirth. ;) I don't think there's any particular precedent re: screenshots; I've mostly added them here as the ones on dxx-rebirth.com...

bot, build io.github.fpiesche.f2bgl

To bring this back on track with Flatpaks: I've been building [Flatpak distributions for various free game projects](https://github.com/fpiesche/flathub/branches) over the past few months (in part, as with the OP, because...