Frank Pedroza
Frank Pedroza
Question about `valueProcessors` option: Given this setup: ``` const xml2jsParser = new xml2js.Parser({ explicitArray: false, // Always put child nodes in an array if true; otherwise an array is created...
It would be helpful is this file was updated so as to aid in the assessment of moving forward to newer versions.
The readme shows using colorize like this: `%github([%thread])`. Is this colorizing the different threads in different colors or merely colorizing all threads in one configured color?
Question about filename collisions If I'm compiling less files from multiple directories and dumping them into a single directory, I won't get any error or warning about filename collisions or...
I can't seem to get any logging from slf4j to work when I run my `integrationTest` facet. This would include any logging coming from the test code itself or any...
Does this work for a java8 project?