Felipe Parra
Felipe Parra
- [X] I have verified there are no duplicate active or recent bugs, questions, or requests. - [X] I have verified that I am using the latest version of MaterialStyledDialogs....
**Describe your device** A clear and concise description of what your device is, such as accessory type, and product description. Air Conditioner [Ursus Trotter 12000 BTU split inverter ](https://www.ursustrotter.cl/producto/equipo-ac-split-ut-inverter-12000-btu-wifi-friocalor-copiar/) In...
When connecting the Nodemcu the roomba enters a loop that wakes it up (sound included) and after about 10 seconds it restarts and returns to do the same. I can...
Currently migrate my esp8266 to [HAA](https://github.com/RavenSystem/esp-homekit-devices) for native support (thanks for the work on homebridge-mcuiot, it was one of my first approaches to homekit / homebridge), remove devices by validating...
Support for the YKR-T/121E remote control is added, compatible with Kendal split air conditioning, marketed in Chile, using 1.0 degree precision.