Max Hauser

Results 59 issues of Max Hauser

Last one standing is the `controller` package, which is currently not able to compile TS files. The structure should be changed, so we can slowly port it to ts, this...

code enhancement :man_technologist:

To prevent duplicates and if we change a method in code we do not need to change the typings somewhere else, as this is an unneeded complex procedure.

enhancement :arrow_up:
documentation :memo:
adapter related :nut_and_bolt:

Currently, we return `doc` and `value` on `getObjectList` calls. They are internally the same. Maybe at some point we can remove one of the values. I prefer to keep `value`...

db :safety_pin: Adapter should use `adapter.decrypt/encrypt` instead Adapters which use tools - cameras -> - pimatic -> - pushover -> - admin -> - cloud ->

tracking :eye:
adapter related :nut_and_bolt:

probably by setting null see also #1730

adapter related :nut_and_bolt:

every adapter can set it for itself for long enough time now

We should switch for objects which can have many dependencies/members to other objects, like enums to redis SET functionality. This is motivated by redis taking very long to delete objects...

enhancement :arrow_up:
adapter related :nut_and_bolt:
controller related :volcano:
db :safety_pin: