Max Hauser

Results 238 comments of Max Hauser

@philipp2310 weißt du zufällig ob es über die API möglich ist, mehr als nur 12 Artikel der "Kürzlich hinzugefügt" Liste abzufragen? Bzw. hast du wahrscheinlich auch das Problem, dass manche...

@philipp2310 I've managed to get the translations as well as the catalog. If you are interested in it, you can see the new functionalities in this commit:

> Are there any further maintenance fees or services charges? > > No, the Garmin Health API is completely free for enterprise partners. Könnte man als ioBroker GmbH anfragen, als...

The issue is more or less, the string comparison of startkey endkey done in Lua. Lua does string comparison based on locale settings, it seems to work correctly with ```...

so the solution with less impact is to configure the environment of the systemd redis-server e.g.`/usr/lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service` and set `Environment="LANG=C"` Furthermore, we can detect this by sending a small script e.g....

So whats left to do, is to print out a note on `iob setup` run if the system is affected by this unintended behavior.

> Should we enhance statistics to also send compact mode active Info beside Version and also show in in adapter list (x% run in compact Mode) I would prefer this...

Path is now fixed, so recheck needed