Max Hauser

Results 238 comments of Max Hauser

is it always writing a string or also sometimes a number, if always string, I could fix it easily

I cannot find an official image myself, so someone has to provide me the image displayed in CCU for this one.

Ich verstehe nicht ganz, worum das Ticket geht. Wenn das eine Geräteeinstellung ist, musst du vermutlich die MASTER values ändern, geht per `sendTo` Beispiele findet man in der README.

Welche Version hattest du denn vorher, welche API Version und beim Senden eines Commands oder einfach so?

With the `install` emitter we are a step closer, as devs can execute individual code on installation, maybe this won't be enough for such use cases.

> As discussed in Telegram: We use the install trigger, BUT we should also change it so that the install script do not need to be added as npm post-install...

Yes, as we perform a kind of deep `extend` you can currently only overwrite properties, you can never delete. It would still be an option to delete via `null` of...

The problem is at which level do you make the cut between merging and overriding. E.g. currently people set for example `` for extending, so it is already no longer...

@ChrMaass Falls du den Fehler bewusst provzieren kannst, wäre es cool wenn du `admin.0` welcher bei dir den Fehler loggt auf Loglevel `silly` (alles) stellen könntest. Evtl. können wir daraus...

I think, now that we have everything running through a TS compile step, it would now be easy to provide ESM for the packages of this monorepo. Not sure, if...