i don't understand why your extending the CI_Model two times ?
you abandoned Codeigniter for laravel ?
but what i don't like on laravel is his structure which change each time, and his quick evolution where packages does not follow. As i' am buillding large scale application,...
i have find the cause of problem you have to update my_model change ``` $this->_database->{$where_or.$not.'_in'}($this->table.'.'.$field_or_array, $operator_or_value); ``` by ``` $multi = $this->is_multidimensional($operator_or_value); if($multi){ foreach($operator_or_value as $row_value){ $this->_database->{$where_or.$not.'_in'}($this->table.'.'.$field_or_array, $row_value); } }else{...
Solution for the problem above change ``` if($affected_rows = $this->_database->update($this->table,array($this->_deleted_at_field=>NULL))) ``` by ``` if($affected_rows = $this->update(array($this->_deleted_at_field=>NULL))) ```
Same Issue for me Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dv' of null at Object.cj (main.dart.js:2645) at G1.ri (main.dart.js:19133) at Dx.$1 (main.dart.js:18040) at ai0 (main.dart.js:1961) at HTMLElement. (main.dart.js:1969) cj @ main.dart.js:2645...
thank you for your comment, pat i guess pattern tags issue has been resolved in previous version. Dear @dnfield can you get a look on this please, we do not...
is this plugins still supported or i have to find something else ??
hello as i can see you are using Metronic 4.X can we share together our experiance with this Theme Are you using PHP for backend ? if yes with which...
i have try your example and it's working well for me