David Földi
David Földi
Note, it only happens with yarn, as it resolves typescript with a different version due to "typescript": "^4.0.0" in package.json
@jld3103 Can you please make sure that this is labeled correctly? And could you please do a quick review? I'll revisit this after i have some free time.
Lets separate these for a moment, i'll call it "hover compile". So running hover build, without any arguments is a sure host compilation requiring no cross compile steps, but it...
> Also I created a PR for AOT that currently only works on linux, but would be needed for your changes I guess. Nice! Ill check it. > Regarding the...
> Also we are currently using https://github.com/flutter-rs/engine-builds as `libflutter_engine` sources for AOT (and also could use them for JIT). Adding our predefined targets to the automatic builds would be nice...
> @fourscience any news? Since you last wrote a lot of things have changed in hover. We finally have better Docker cross-compiling support. I'd recommend to make yourself familiar with...
> Is this still being maintained or does it seem like it's an unwieldily uphill climb? It would be great to have a development environment where we can deliver apps...
> @fourscience that sounds wonderful, especially to cover so many platforms with one react-based solution. Do you have any starter projects or 'hello world' type apps with this setup to...
@ironprogrammer you don't need to be a partner to debug on the device, feel fre to create a cert with your info and debug, on the other hand some priviliges...
@ironprogrammer closed can indicate a lot of things, most of the time there is a specific code in the logs. probably its either a version mismatch or something along the...