Eirik Fosse
Eirik Fosse
I will make the required changes to the form
It would be nice if someone could test the newly added fields on https://cac3bd65.ngrok.io/ The URL will work for a couple of hours. Translations are not completed yet.
Thanks @kaared, fixed most of the points, but I waited with some of them: 2. We have gotten quite a lot negative feedback when using only "Biological gender/Biologisk kjønn". 4....
Thanks for valuable feedback! I have some thoughts/questions: 1) If you check that you have a symptom, you will get a datapicker for selecting symptom start. That is although shared...
If the texts are ok, should we start gathering translations?
> @fossecode maybe we should wait for #537 to be merged before asking translations? Yes, I just have to add two more countries, look over it again and then it...
I think we are ready to start gathering translations :)
Norwegian 🇳🇴 (feels like the voting on Eurovision lol) ``` "Testing & Isolation": "Testing & Karantene", "Health": "Helse", "Submit & Share": "Send inn", "Next": "Neste", "Back": "Tilbake", "Go to step":...
Remember to merge in the latest changes from the upstream before adding the translations, so that you get all the latest locale files.
Just tested it out locally, feels very smooooth, much better than before 🙌💯🥇