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Fortran Standard Library

Results 159 stdlib issues
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While some functionality for file system related operations exist in Fortran, some rather relevant operations are not standardized. For example, figuring out whether a path is a directory: A...

topic: utilities
topic: interface

Here's what the bug report form looks like: and the PR that implemented it: #513 In #561, @certik wrote: > This form is so hard to fill out that...


### Description Since Windows has no actual package manager installing of software is usually expected to be possible by an installer. So far we haven't explored this road for distribution...

platform: Windows

Something like [Anymatrix]( An Extensible MATLAB Matrix Collection should be available in Fortran, maybe in stdlib. The [guide]( has details. I know that functions have been added to test if...

In support of: Prior art: * [Python numpy.fill_diagonal]( * [Julia LinearAlgebra.diagind]( (returns indices of diagonal elements which can then be used to assign to a diagonal) * [MATLAB diag](

topic: linalg

Motivated by the question from @vmagnin at [Discourse]( For those not familiar with the term [endianness]( (quoting the D language documentation): > Endianness refers to the order in which multibyte...

topic: utilities

### Motivation Functions or subroutines that take an array (or a string) and return an array (of higher rank, or of strings) with combinatorial compositions of the input values. Common...


In #426, selection algorithms were mentioned. See e.g., these [comment](, [comment](, and [comment]( **Description** To be completed **Prior Art** To be completed

topic: algorithms

For NAG 6.2 and the latest master (f300f4a609ab02620b82ee2c79566361d84505c4): 1. Does not seem to support submodules. ```diff diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt index 72b3d25..6a11a43 100644 --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -9,12 +9,6...

compiler: nagfor

This is just the PR resulting from the discussion in #504.
