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Fortran Standard Library

Results 159 stdlib issues
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Currently we don't have a Markdown template for spec documents. We should have one. Benefits include: * Makes it easier for contributors to write spec docs. * Ensures consistency if...


### Motivation While working with data that varies at runtime like reading data from a file, or algorithms that don't have fixed bounds on the number of items they create...

topic: container

Use this issue to discuss the code style for the stdlib. The most widely supported elements of style will eventually be merged into the [Style Guide for contributors](


## Colors Module In order to support colors and styling (bold, underline and etc) I propose a small utility to handle colored output, namely `stdlib_colors`. The use cases can vary,...

topic: utilities

The [FizzBuzz discussion]( at Discourse, especially the code by Steve Kargl that calls C `printf` and `puts`, suggests to me that some C functions, especially those doing I/O, should have...

Would it be useful for this module to also provide compile-time constants of compiler version and options used to build it? ``` module m use iso_fortran_env, only: compiler_version, compiler_options character(*),...

**Description** To support linear algebra operations we want to have interfaces/wrappers for BLAS and LAPACK, maybe even to BLACS, PBLAS and ScaLAPACK at some point. Before we start working on...

topic: mathematics

So there have been a few discussions about optval before: * * The former thread established the performance implications of sprinkling `optval` here and there are likely negligible....

I suggest that stdlib have a subroutine that returns properties of files that are open ``` subroutine opened_units(units,files,actions,accesses,forms) integer, intent(out), optional :: units(:) character (len=*), intent(out), optional :: files(:), actions(:),...

In R, arrays are indexed from 1, and negative indices conveniently denote excluded elements, as illustrated by ``` > x = c(10,20,30,40) > x[c(2,3)] [1] 20 30 > x[-c(2,3)] [1]...