Forrest O.

Results 166 issues of Forrest O.

Instead of adding a separate `*2` module, just type in `=x*2` in the int/float input. - some visual indication on the port that there is an equation, so the value...

To keep corporate fingers out of our logs we should run our own analytics:

draw a thumbnail of an app based on node sizes and positions and edges

everything should be doable with only touchscreen / mouse / keyboard. #8

For example, changing the "x" value on one module should just move it. (This will help in the future, for collaboratively-edited apps (like etherpad).)


More complex apps could use a Photoshop navigator-like overview of the routing. This could also serve as the "hack me" icon to go to the routing view when in an...

they are redrawn because I am checking to see if all modules are loaded, then connecting all wires. this makes sense when the app if first loaded but not when...