Forrest Bao

Results 19 comments of Forrest Bao

Thanks for your interest. 1. Yes. 2. Send your resume and college (and graduate school if applicable) transcripts to me via Email. Then we arrange a coding interview if you...

北美讀書都需要考TOEFL, IETLS , 或Duolingo (少部分學校接受) TA對英語要求比較高,各個學校各個系有自己標準,TOEFL 90基本是最低的,100也不奇怪 RA可能低一點,而且很多RA是教授的科研經費發工資的, 所以這個不好説,但是80應該是底綫


当然可以,a PhD applicant can be an MS or bachelor's degree holder.

本科黑名單就意味着你不能來美國讀Master 建議考慮留學加拿大, 然後曲線來美國

TOEFL 80是最低標準 GRE waiver取決於很多因素. are you applying for a PhD or master program? If you are good enough, then GRE waiver is possible.

@shan1190 , please elaborate what error you got. You may copy from your Terminal and paste to there.

What do you think it should be changed to?