Thread 2: Precondition failed: Already started
// 1. 创建photoBroseView对象 PYPhotoBrowseView *photoBroseView = [[PYPhotoBrowseView alloc] init]; // 2.1 网络图片 photoBroseView.imagesURL = _detailModel.images_list; // 2.2 设置初始化图片下标(即当前点击第几张图片) photoBroseView.currentIndex = index; // 3.显示(浏览) [photoBroseView show]; 使用上面代码后, 在UIView+PYExtension.h 里边- (void)setPy_size:(CGSize)py_size 和...
I have a large html file, about 13m, and it takes way too long to find the modifications. Is there any way to quickly find changes? ```swift let html =...
安全边距问题,请求修改下JXPagingView.swift ``` open func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: cellIdentifier, for: indexPath) cell.selectionStyle = .none cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear if listContainerView.superview != cell.contentView...