Wang Lin

Results 3 issues of Wang Lin

在TechnicalWhitePaper中, 在“带强制性延时的消息”小节中,“而购买一个房子也许需要 72 消失的结算期“中的”消失“应该为”小时“

买的COMFAST无线网卡, 插上之后可以启动,但是无法识别radio0,可以手动安装对应驱动吗? 如果可以,麻烦给一下驱动地址 lsusb会看到这个设备 0bda:c811 Realtek 802.11ac NIC

I use this project to tts. It works on iOS, but it is not working on Android. And it shows that speechSynthesis is undefined. And neither it is not working...