Haipeng Wang

Results 4 comments of Haipeng Wang

Hi @guanming001, Would you mind trying my code? https://github.com/forestsen/KinectAzureDKProgramming You can find the Two Kinects calibration using the aruco library. And this project. https://github.com/forestsen/K4aGrabber You can find the real-time point...

Hi, @guanming001 Thank you for your advice. I have change the k4a version of my code. You can pull the new code of https://github.com/forestsen/KinectAzureDKProgramming and https://github.com/forestsen/K4aGrabber This is my result....

Hi, @valvador92 You can check out the new code of https://github.com/forestsen/KinectAzureDKProgramming and https://github.com/forestsen/K4aGrabber I have changed the k4a version of my code.

Hi @valvador92 @guanming001 I refined the calibration result based on the [Open3D-0.8.0](https://github.com/intel-isl/Open3D/tree/v0.8.0). Using the Open3D ColoredICP, I refined the extrinsic matrix between two azure kinects. This is the result of...