
Results 19 issues of forestbat

As the topic,I want to measure straight distance between any two celestials,such as Sun and Sirius,however I haven't found any tool to complete this.


I wrote this code: `nx.write_adjlist(network_graph, 'network_graph.adjlist')` And debug info is like this: > DiGraph with 269 nodes and 244 edges (Correct amount) However when I read the same adjlist file...


When I try to download a directory as zip archive: ![图片]( ("打包下载" means "Download as an archive) The process will stop in a blank tab page, and I can't receive...


I run this code in jupyterlab: ``` import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from segment_anything import SamAutomaticMaskGenerator, sam_model_registry import numpy as np import gc def show_anns(anns): if len(anns) == 0:...


I'm a Chinese developer and “dalai llama” hears like “ta-la-Bla-ma”/“dalai lama” which escaped from China's Tibet,and the name may bring some trouble in China. So I want to know why...

I run command on my computer(before this I have installed Visual Studio): ``` C:\Users\PC303>npx dalai llama install 13B Need to install the following packages: [email protected] Ok to proceed? (y) y...

**Describe the bug** I want to use deepspeed by a script, and I installed it with pip: ``` (base) forestbat@vm-jupyterhub-server:~/BELLE/train$ pip install deepspeed Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages...


**Describe the bug** When I want to train my models, it crashed with this report: ``` (test_sam) forestbat@vm-jupyterhub-server:~/BELLE/train$ bash training_scripts/single_node/ [2023-04-20 15:22:11,280] [INFO] [] cmd = /home/forestbat/.conda/envs/test_sam/bin/python3.10 -u -m deepspeed.launcher.launch...



I have a local `llama` model file which is called `ggml-model-q4_0.bin`, generated by `llama.cpp`. But when I try to generate it with other datas: ``` (test_sam) forestbat@vm-jupyterhub-server:~/stanford_alpaca$ torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=3000...