I have attempted the dconly option with multiple versions of sharphound, including the rolling version. All of them give the error below. I can ping and access the LDAP ports...
nopac.exe scan -domain -user testlocaluser -pass 'testlocaluserPASS!' Using a verified good password, triggers the following error: Unhandled Exception: System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException: The user name or password is incorrect. at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind(Boolean throwIfFail)...
I'm getting errors that appear to be triggered by the special characters in the banner. I trimmed the banner and still getting ParameterArgumentValidationErrors.. If I run it using version 3.0...
I am receiving the following error below. Not sure if its related but I am running it from a non-domain member system. I specified the domain, username and password and...
I am getting the following error even though it completes. Given its not finding any chains, is this error something I can ignore or is it causing the script not...
I am trying to create a password list that appends numbers to each word in the full password list. When looping the results of the full password list, is...
I ran it via the oneliner and received the following error: Mount-DbgDumpFile : DbgEng API returned 0xd000011e. At line:1 char:933 + ... eStream.Close();}Mount-DbgDumpFile -DumpFile $processDumpPath;$faObj ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo...
Hey Kevin, Adding this as a placeholder for when you have some time. I'm guessing the error is due to the updated sub-techniques. Thanks again for creating this great tool!...
Are there plans to support Thor Lite?