There seems to be a problem when the url passed to print the document from contains parameters. Example log file contains the following: ``` 14:33:48.753 [DESKTOP-0UKK3G6][WebSocketWorker-46] INFO tigerworkshop.webapphardwarebridge.utils.DownloadUtil.file() @21 -...
There is a bug in qr code generation in class Base2DBarcode `$bar->rectangle($x, $y, ($x + $w), ($y + $h));` `imagefilledrectangle($png, $x, $y, ($x + $w), ($y + $h), $fgcol);` should...
Adding new lines to code payload makes the whole code unreadable. I tried to encode VCARD: ``` BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:Test;Test ORG:Test TEL;WORK:999999999 TEL;CELL:888888888 EMAIL:[email protected] URL: END:VCARD ```